Wednesday 29 August 2012

More Power Philippines!


That's the kind of statement I want to hear from my fellow Filipino. 

Japan's Robot
"Economy should continue to grow!" Prof. Prospero De Vera said. He knows that as we continue developing our economic growth, Philippines will continue to sustain its interminable economic growth. I totally agree in his statement because for me as a Filipino student, I know that Philippines is far behind in terms of technology and stable economic state against other countries. Yes, we all know Japan is the #1 techy country! and India's with the tax-free for the automotive vehicles. I always wanted to see Philippines to be a country of a good/stable economic state. :) don't you?

Philippines is expecting 4.2 million tourists this year. (DOT)
Here comes then the "It's More Fun in the Philippines!". Yes! For me, Philippines is really more fun in terms of travel destinations, food, culture, etc. But while promoting this kind of ads to other countries, there's an advocate also for the Philippines from its very own people and that is ; crimes are increasing, unemployment is slowly improving and many more!! Should we just disregard these kind of issues in our country? NO! We need to wake up for reality! 

How should Philippines gradually increase its Economy? We always should start with ourselves. We are part of the country! We just can't promote peace to everyone while we have no peace of mind, right?. If everything is set that's the time we entertain others! It will just prove that we Filipinos are really into being hospitable to foreign countries.  

"From a government that merely conjures economic growth statistics that our people know to be unreal to a government that prioritizes jobs that empower the people and provide them with opportunities to rise above poverty." 
- President Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III (SONA, 2012)

In the government, we must elect the right and deserving leaders for our country to be able to help his/her fellow Filipino attain the peak of success of economy. Philippines should also develop its Productive Employment and Labor force! Why? because we need to work for our country and with that the unemployment rate will decrease -- poverty will decrease!! The higher the opportunities/jobs, the lesser the unemployment rate. PNoy was right! For me, "Job Creation" is indeed the best commitment he will give for the our country. I just can't wait for the results from his commitments he planned in our country until his term ends. These Social Contract commitments can be categorized into five: 

SONA, 2012
  • Job creation; 
  • Provision of social services; 
  • Poverty reduction; 
  • Agricultural development; and 
  • Promotion of private business.

We need to realize that it's not only the President's job to uplift Philippines from poverty , but  we also need to help him by educating ourselves in terms of helping others, giving jobs or opportunities inside the Philippines, develop our Education for future small investments and building national competitiveness, and many more!

We are in a third world country! Therefore, we need to be united and guided by the people and for the people. ONE PEOPLE, ONE COUNTRY! MORE POWER PHILIPPINES!

-Princess Flor Asturias

SOURCE: ECONOMY Should continue to grow

1 comment:


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